
KS3, GCSE, A-Level Computing Resources

Lesson 5. Trees

Lesson Objective

  • Know that a tree is a connected, undirected graph with no cycles.
  • Know that a binary tree is a rooted tree in which each node has at most two children.
  • Be familiar with typical uses for rooted trees.
  • Be able to trace recursive tree-traversal algorithms: pre-order, post-order, in-order
  • Understand uses of different traversal outputs.

Lesson Notes

Tree Data Structures

A fundamental data structure used in many computing areas.

A tree is a connected, undirected graph with no cycles (i.e. there is a unique path from each node to any other node).

In a rooted tree, one node is identified as the root.

Every node except the root has one unique parent.

Binary Trees

A binary tree is a rooted tree in which each node has a maximum of two children.

Each node consists of 3 parts:

  • The data (which may be a primitive or more complex object).
  • A left pointer to a child.
  • A right pointer to a child.

Binary Tree in Memory

Here is an example of a binary tree being represented as a dictionary of arrays.

Python Code:

BinaryTree = {“E”:[“B”,“G”],“B”:[“A”,“C”],“G”:[“F”,“H”],“A”:[],“C”:[],“F”:[],“H”:[]}

Linked List and Array Binary Tree Implementation

Tree Drawing:

Here is another Binary Tree.

This binary tree will be used in the following linked list and array examples.

The root node of this tree contains the data value 50. There are a number of parent and child nodes.

Linked List Tree:

In the example below. The start memory location is 01. Each node is assigned a data value. The right and left pointers are assigned memory locations to point to other nodes in the tree.

Array Binary Tree:

Left and right positions of a node are identified by using the following formula:

  • Left = 2 * Parent
  • Right = 2 * Parent + 1

Root location formula:

  • Root = Node // 2

Note: Linked lists Memory Location don't apply to this.

Parent Left C. Right C.
01 02 03
02 04 05
x 2*X 2*X+1

Tree Applications

Tree data structures are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

Here are some specific examples of how tree data structures are used in real-world applications:

Tree Application: Huffman Coding

Text to Compress:

i like limes (7 bit ASCII)

12 x 7 = 84 bits (original file size)

Compression Process:

  • i = 3 chars x 2 bits = 6 bits
  • space = 2 chars x 2 bits = 4 bits
  • l = 2 chars x 3 bits = 6 bits
  • k = 1 char x 3 bits = 3 bits
  • e = 2 chars x 3 bits = 6 bits
  • m = 1 char x 4 bits = 4 bits
  • s = 1 char x 4 bits = 4 bits

6 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 33 bits (compressed file size)

84 bits - 33 bits = 51 bits saved

Binary Search Tree

When building a binary search tree, nodes are added in the order given, with the first item at the root.

Starting at the root each time, if the next item is less than the root, it is added to the left of the root, otherwise, to the right.

Apply the same rule at the root of each sub-tree.

[E, B, J, A, G, H, C, I, F, K]

When searching a binary search tree, nodes must follow the criteria.


Apply the binary search logic. When searching for H:

  1. H = E (H > E)
  2. H = J (H < J)
  3. H = G (H > G)
  4. H = H (H = H)

Note: Image on the right/bottom is animated and shows the different stages of the search.

Binary Tree Traversal

A binary tree can be traversed in three different ways:

Pre-order Traversal:

  1. Process the root (R).
  2. Traverse the left-subtree of R in pre-order.
  3. Traverse the right-subtree of R in pre-order.

[E, B, A, C, J, G, F, H, I, K]

Note: Image on the right/bottom is animated and shows the different stages of the search.

Pre-order Traversal Example:

In-order Traversal:

  1. Travers the left-subtree of the Root (R).
  2. Process the Root (R).
  3. Traverse the right-subtree of R in inorder.

[A, B, C, E, F, G, I, H, J, K]

Note: Image on the right/bottom is animated and shows the different stages of the search.

In-order Traversal Example:

Post-order Traversal:

  1. Traverse the left-subtree of the Root (R).
  2. Traverse the right-subtree of the Root (R).
  3. Process the Root (R).

[A, C, B, F, I, H, G, K, J, E]

Note: Image on the right/bottom is animated and shows the different stages of the search.

Post-order Traversal Example:

Binary Tree Traversal - Summary

This diagram shows which node to examine in order depending on the traversal being used. You start from the top left of the root node. If you are using Pre-order traversal, you examine the node when you pass from the left. If you are using In-order traversal, you examine the node when you pass the bottom of the node. If you are using Post-order traversal, you examine the node when you pass the right side of the node.

  • Pre-order - Left of Node
  • In-order - Bottom of Node
  • Post-order - Right of Node

Deleting a Node

There are three separate cases to consider:

Example: The node to be deleted has no children

Example: The node to be deleted has one child

Example: The node to be deleted has two children

Note: Find a node that will preserve the search tree properties, and put it in the place of the deleted node. This will be the node that has the next-largest key.