KS3, GCSE, A-Level Computing Resources
A-Level Computer Science
Studying A-level Computer Science gives you a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts and principles of computing. This can lead to a wide range of well-paid and rewarding careers in the tech industry, such as software development, web development, data science, cybersecurity, and gaming. Computer Science is also a highly transferable subject, and the skills you learn can be valuable in many other fields, such as business, finance, and engineering.
Topic 1. Computer Systems
Topic 2. Databases and Data Exchange
Topic 3. Networks and Web Technologies
Topic 4. Data Representation
Topic 5. Data Structures
Topic 6. Boolean Algebra
Topic 7. Consequences of Computing
Topic 8. Computational Thinking
Lesson 1. Thinking Abstractly
Lesson 2. Thinking Ahead
Lesson 3. Thinking Procedurally
Lesson 4. Thinking Logically
Lesson 5. Thinking Concurrently
Topic 9. Computational Methods
Lesson 1. Identifying Problems
Lesson 2. Problem Solving
Lesson 3. ?