
KS3, GCSE, A-Level Computing Resources

Lesson 1. Computational Thinking

Lesson Objective

  1. Understand the terms Algorithm, Abstraction and Decomposition.

Lesson Notes

What is an Algorithm?

A step-by-step solution to the problem, or the rules to follow to solve the problem.

Example 1 - Flowchart

image of Flowchart

Example 2 - Pseudocode

Check the temperature setting
Insert toast
Heat bread
WHILE toast is not cooked
Heat bread
Pop out toast
Put toast on plate

What is Decomposition?

Decomposition involves breaking down a large problem into smaller sub-problems. The sub-problems can be broken down further until each small task is manageable.

Example 1 - Decomposition Chart

Example 2 - Making a cup of tea...

What is Abstraction?

Abstraction involves removing unnecessary detail from a problem so that you can focus on the essentials. It can involve focusing on general characteristics and ignoring specifics. The London Underground map is a good example of abstraction.

Google Map of London

London Underground Map