
KS3, GCSE, A-Level Computing Resources

Lesson 3. SQL (Basic)

Lesson Objective

  1. Know what SQL is and its purpose.
  2. Use SQL statements to search for data using the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY statements.
  3. Use the wildcard *
  4. Formulate criteria involving AND, OR and LIKE.

Lesson Notes


Databases support a range of operations which are together known as SCRUD:

  1. S Search
  2. C Create
  3. R Read
  4. U Update
  5. D Delete


SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a programming language which allows you to create, query and manipulate databases. SQL is a text based querying system. It is used by all major relational database management systems. SQL is a declarative language (Gen 4): we state what we want, and not how it should be obtained.

Basic SQL Syntax:

Keyword Purpose in SQL Statments
SELECT This keyword starts an SQL statement. It is followed by the names of the fields that are selected from the table or tables SELECT is a required keyword.
FROM FROM is followed by the name(s) of the table(s) containing the fields specified in the SELECT command.
WHERE The WHERE keyword specifies conditions used to filter (limit) the records that are returned by the SELECT (Search criteria). The WHERE keyword is optional.
ORDER BY BY ORDER BY specifies the order in which you want the selected records to be sorted. The ORDER BY clause is optional.


MemberID FirstName Surname Gender Town
1 David Johnson M Ipswich
2 Christine Bates F Woodbridge
3 Jasmine Hamid F Ipswich
4 Peter Okello M Colchester
5 Stephen Hines M Woodbridge


To display all fields and records:
SELECT MemberID,FirstName,Surname,Gender,Town FROM members_table

To display all fields and records (using the wild card):
SELECT * FROM members_table

To display certain fields and all records:
SELECT FirstName,Surname FROM members_table


To display specific records:
SELECT * FROM members_table WHERE Town = "Ipswich"

To display specific records by defining additional conditions:
SELECT * FROM members_table WHERE Town = "Ipswich" OR Town = "Colchester"


To display records where a value BEGINS with a certain letter:
SELECT * FROM members_table WHERE Surname LIKE "H%"

To display records where a value ENDS with a certain letter:
SELECT * FROM members_table WHERE Surname LIKE "%H"

To display records where a value CONTAINS a certain letter:
SELECT * FROM members_table WHERE Surname LIKE "%H%"


To sort data in ascending order:
SELECT * FROM members_table ORDER BY Surname ASC

To sort data in descending order:
SELECT * FROM members_table ORDER BY Surname DESC